Winter Railway
Model railway workshop

The model railway workshop shows detailed buildings, viaducts and tunnels of the Rhaetian Railway as they were in the 1950s and 1960s in 0m gauge. It is designed as a workshop. The aim of this model railway workshop is to give visitors an insight into the construction of such a railway.
The visit to the model railway workshop is included in the entrance fee to the railway museum.
Opening hours
Thursday- Sunday: ab 15.00 h
Mondays closed (July to October): ca. ab 15.00 h
The builder Bernhard Tarnutzer usually puts the railway into operation in the afternoon and is happy to provide information about the construction and design of the layout.
Video recordings also show how the trains move on the layout outside of the demonstration time.
Bahnmuseum Albula
Tel.: +41 (0)81 420 00 06