Getting around on site

Bus alpin
All informations about mobility in the region you will find here.
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Mountain Tour

Bus Latsch - Stuls

Comfortable and easy by bus from Bergün to Latsch and Stuls.

Time table
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Piz Ela

Sportbus (only in winter)

The bus runs daily during the winter season from Bergün railway station to the Darlux valley station.

Time table
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Mountain Tour

Mountain Tours Taxi

The Mountain Tours taxi will be happy to take you to your destination.
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Bernina Express
©Rhätische Bahn

Rhaetian Railway

The Albula and Bernina lines of the Rhaetian Railway have been UNESCO World Heritage Sites since July 2008. Discover the surroundings with the RhB.
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Albula Bus

Bus alpin - Albulapass and Val Tuors (only in summer)

The Bus alpin call bus takes you quickly and comfortably from La Punt or Preda to the Albula Pass or from Bergün to Val Tuors.