Currently open lifts

  • For skiers: the Tèct/Zinols children's ski area - Tèct and Zinols ski lifts and the children's area are open.
  • For skiers: The La Diala valley run to Bergün and the panoramic slope from the Snowhill to the La Diala mountain restaurant are open.
  • Due to lack of snow, we are unfortunately unable to start skiing in the 3rd section on Darlux.
  • For tobogganers: Preda-Bergün toboggan run and the Darlux toboggan run.
  • For cross-country skiers Bergün: a loop of around 5 km is classic and prepared for skating.

Family adventures in summer

There is a lot for children to experience in the holiday region Bergün Filisur! How about a treasure hunt? Or a hike on the railway adventure trail?
Bergbadi Bergün
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Bathing pleasure with a panoramic view.

Outdoor swimmingpool Bergün

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Landwasser Viadukt

Bahnerlebnisweg. Die Familienwanderung in wildromantischer Natur

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Schatzsuche in Bergün.


Löse die Rätsel, finde den Schatz und sichere dir deinen kleinen Sofortpreis.

Die Schatzkarte ist am Schalter von Bergün Filisur Tourimus für CHF 9.00 erhältlich oder über die App: Android oder iOS

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For barbecue in the nature. Fireplaces

Please note the current fire situation.

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Spielplatz Kurhaus

For small adventurers. Playgrounds

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Kindertour Clà Ferrovia. Im Bahnmuseum Albula

Alte Lokomotive und Loksimulator.

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